Est. 2005
Specialist Flat Roofing in London
All warranties are not created equal
Realistically, all we really want to know, is are we getting what we paid for. Is what we've bought going to last? If something does happen will the warranty cover it, or will we all be arguing over the small print?
At Sunrise Roofing we provide two different warranties. One for a complete installation, and one for repairs; both are insurance backed. We are accredited for number of major worldwide manufacturers, in each case we are able to provide all inclusive warranties ranging from 10 to 30 years depending on the system. We will be happy to go through the coverage in detail for each of these systems.
In many ways we have as much invested in a roof as our clients. If there is a failure for whatever reason, we will have to ensure it gets properly corrected or replaced. This could be really expensive, so we need to know that a manufacturer is going to stand behind their systems, without argument. Better still, that there's not an issue in the first place. For instance, in 2007 when we first began installing Soprema systems (over a 1,200 projects since) , we have only had one issue. This was a bad batch of PMMA that had been incorrectly mixed at the factory. Soprema, paid for us to replace the roof without argument.
Click on the icon for the terms and conditions of the Soprema Warranty. You'll notice that there is no requirement for a maintenance contract. Soprema only asks you inspect your roof once a year, and clean away any leaves etc that could block gutters or outlets. You'll also need to get a Soprema approved roofer to take a look once every 10 years. The wranty even covers consequential damage, and has the fewest terms of any manufacturer we've come across. Frankly, you shouldn't even need a warranty, everything should perform without issue. However, if the time comes, you need to know you're covered.
Soprema operates in over 80 countries, they've been in business since 1908. It's still important Knowing the warranty is insurance backed for the full term.

New Roofs
15, 20 & 25 Year Insurance Backed Warranty
Key benefits of this warranty include...
100% Coverage for the performance of all waterproofing.
100% Coverage for the performance of all workmanship
Contractor insolvency cover for the full term of the policy.
£800,000 subsequent damage cover (material failure only).
£5,000,000.00 total cover.
No required maintenance contracts.
Insurance backed for the full term
All projects inspected by Soprema Technical Rep.
Written / pictorial progress reports supplied during, and at completion of the project from Soprema Technical Rep.
We are one of the very, very few roofing contractors in the UK to be able to provide insurance backed warranties on roof repairs, especially flat roofing.
We are extremely proud of this because of how hard it is to be able offer this service. Workmanship on all our repairs is insurance backed by (QANW) Quality Assured National Warranties, a specialist insurer in this field. Lets face it, insurance companies don't like paying out money, so the fact that QANW have faith in us is no small thing.
There are a lot of great roofing contractors in London that are true to their word, and stand behind the work. However, without a warranty being independently insurance backed, how much peace of mind do you really have...